-----------Registration closed - capacity reached -------------
It’s a 3D experience at the special Holiday Party
for the Ladies, with
Drinks &
Date: Friday, December 9th 7.30 pm - 11pm
Venue: Spice grill party hall
111 US-46, Parsippany, NJ 07054
Appetizers, Dinner, Dessert, wine/soft drinks and Dancing for $30 (includes tip and tax)
Don't miss this opportunity to make new connections and friendships! Bring your friends!
Registrations closes on December 7th or prior if we reach capacity; No tickets at door, no refunds
This is a Sanskriti Members Only event (Membership is open to all: only $25 for an annual membership)
Sanskriti of NJ PO Box 1672 Livingston, NJ 07039
Sanskriti of New Jersey A tax exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code
For any questions about our website, email webadmin@sanskritiofnj.org